Happy couples do not add up by chance. They arise when two imperfect people take obligations to work on themselves and to improve relations. Such partners are distinguished by the following signs.
1. Realistic expectations from love
It’s easy to fall in love, keeping love is another matter. It is always difficult to build long -term relationships. There will be many ups and falls on the way. In strong relations, partners predict problems and plan in advance how to overcome them.
2. Positive mood
Happy partners do not imply the worst. Faced with an error, do not converge paints. Forgot to pick up things from dry cleaning, did not tuck the car? This is not a reason to believe that he does not care at all or thinks only of himself. There is nothing wrong with this. Even loving partners are sometimes mistaken.
3. Partnership, not rivalry
Perhaps at work or in sports competitions the spirit of rivalry is good. But competition in a couple is a sign of unhealthy relations. Enjoy each other’s society, leave a competitive spirit for other areas.
4. Responsibility
When a problem arises, everyone first thinks if there are guilt in this. For example, if finances are at zero, he asks himself: “What I spent too much money on?”This does not mean that wine always lies with one person. But in healthy pairs, partners begin with themselves before making claims to another. And in unhealthy, on the contrary, they point a finger at each other and relieve themselves of responsibility.
5. Confidence
In healthy relationships, people trust each other. They believe in the honesty and devotion of a partner, feel loved, they are not tormented by suspicions and jealousy. They know that the partner is trying to maintain relationships.
6. Care
They call us
to listen to our heart. But put your needs in the first place and ignore the needs of the partner – the path to nowhere. Try to give the partner “emotional” gifts. For example, you must agree to have a regular dinner with his parents. Gratitude will not be long in coming. Loving people put strength in care for each other.